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Pokemon Go Fidough提取 - 所有現場研究任務和全球挑戰

by Charlotte Feb 20,2025

PokémonGoFidough Fetch活動提供了許多實地研究任務和全球挑戰,從而使球員通過保證的Fidough遭遇獎勵,並將其融入Dachsbun。該活動是從2025年1月4日,紐約州淩晨4:45到2025年1月8日,紐約州上午11:45介紹了Fidough和Dachsbun(盡管閃亮的變體仍然不可用)。

PokémonGo Fidough提取:現場研究任務和獎勵


Field Research TaskPossible Rewards
Catch 5 PokémonGrowlithe (Shiny Available), Electrike (Shiny Available), Lillipup (Shiny Available)
Make 5 Nice ThrowsVoltorb (Shiny Available), Snubbull (Shiny Available), Poochyena (Shiny Available)
Make 3 Great ThrowsHisuian Growlithe (Shiny Available), Electrike (Shiny Available), Fidough
Make 2 Excellent ThrowsRockruff (Shiny Available), Fidough, Greavard
Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms5 Poké Balls, 3 Great Balls, 500 Stardust
Follow a RouteFidough

PokémonGo Fidough提取:全球挑戰和獎勵

Fidough Fetch活動還包括升級全球挑戰,集中在不錯的比賽上。完成每個挑戰,隨後的階段解鎖,提供越來越有利可圖的獎勵。共有六個挑戰水平。

Global Challenge LevelGoalRewardsWild Spawn Additions
150,000,000,000 Nice Throws2x XP for catching Pokémon
275,000,000,000 Nice Throws2x Stardust for catching Pokémon, additional Field Research task unlockedFidough
3100,000,000,000 Nice Throws2.5x XP for catching Pokémon, additional Field Research task unlockedHisuian Growlithe (Shiny Available), Greavard
4125,000,000 Nice Throws2.5x Stardust for catching Pokémon
5150,000,000 Nice Throws3x XP and 3x Stardust for catching Pokémon
6175,000,000 Nice Throws4x XP and 4x Stardust for catching Pokémon