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Populus Run發射:無盡的跑步者以Food Frenzy為特色!

by Nathan Feb 22,2025

Populus Run發射:無盡的跑步者以Food Frenzy為特色!

Populus Run:現在在Android上是一位可口的混亂無盡的跑步者!

Populus Run以前是Apple Arcade獨家運行,現在可以在Android和iOS上使用。 This endless runner offers a unique twist on the familiar formula.忘記躲避火車; here, you'll be skillfully maneuvering a crowd of people through a barrage of oversized, yet strangely appealing, fast food!


Populus Run features massive burgers, cupcakes, and even noodle rappers as obstacles.您的目標?保持至少一個人群的成員! It's a fun, fresh take on the genre, offering a delightful challenge. Along the way, you'll face off against boss-level treats like Macaron, Burger, and Donut.




Populus Run由Fiftytwo Games開發,提供了初始水平的免費試用。在Google Play商店中以$ 3.99的價格解鎖完整遊戲。 Populus Run憑借其古怪的視覺效果和配樂,絕對值得一提!

別忘了查看我們的其他遊戲新聞,其中包括Merge Match March,這是一個動作RPG,其中有三個拚圖。