Wake up aboard a spaceship, surrounded by two captivating men: the enigmatic Kain and the alien Grey. In Abducted, you play Gio, an Earth barista thrust into an unexpected interstellar adventure. Navigate this thrilling sci-fi scenario, forging alliances, facing betrayals, and perhaps even finding love, all while striving to return home. Abducted features explicit gay themes, detailed illustrations, and depictions of nudity and sexual acts. This game is for mature audiences (18+).
Experience the full furry version of Abducted for just $10! Download the demo now and share your feedback! Follow us on Twitter for development updates.
App Features:
- Compelling Storyline: A gripping narrative follows Gio's journey from Earth barista to unwilling space traveler, caught between the mysterious Kain and the alien Grey. Experience twists and turns in this exciting sci-fi adventure.
- Intricate Character Dynamics: Unravel the complexities of trust, love, and desire as you interact with three distinct characters, each with their own hidden agendas.
- Explicit Gay Themes: Abducted boldly explores explicit male-on-male relationships, featuring detailed illustrations and depictions of consensual sexual acts, offering an authentic LGBTQ+ experience.
- Immersive Visuals: Stunning visuals bring the spaceship and characters to life, creating a captivating and immersive gaming experience.
- Demo Available: Download the demo to sample the gameplay and story before purchasing the full game.
- Developer Updates: Stay informed about Abducted's development by following us on Twitter.
Abducted is a visually stunning and captivating game featuring a compelling storyline and complex characters. Its bold exploration of explicit gay themes provides an authentic LGBTQ+ representation. Download the demo, experience the adventure, and discover your path home. Click here to download and embark on an unforgettable journey.
Tags : Casual