Dive into the spooky world of Frightwood, a captivating visual novel where a group of fairy teenagers embark on a thrilling Halloween adventure! This enchanting prequel, created for the 2021 Spooktober VN Game Jam, unveils the secrets of a legendary treasure hidden within a mystical forest. Revisit beloved characters like Moth, Blossom, and Aleth during their teenage years, or experience this standalone story for the first time.
Frightwood Features:
- A gripping narrative: Join the fairy teens as they search for a legendary Halloween treasure, facing the possibility of a clever trick.
- Explore a magical forest: Discover the secrets and captivating creatures of Frightwood's mystical environment.
- Visual novel gameplay: Enjoy stunning visuals and interactive storytelling, influencing the narrative with your decisions.
- Halloween atmosphere: Experience the thrilling and immersive ambiance of Halloween night.
- Standalone prequel: Perfect for newcomers and fans alike; enjoy the story even without prior knowledge of the series.
- Passionate development: Frightwood showcases the dedication and hard work of its creators, resulting in a high-quality gaming experience.
Experience the magic of Frightwood, a visually rich and immersive visual novel. Join the fairy teens on their Halloween treasure hunt, shaping their journey with your choices. Whether you're a seasoned fan or a new adventurer, Frightwood delivers an engaging story, enchanting setting, and a thrilling Halloween experience. Download Frightwood today and discover the passion poured into its creation!
Tags : Casual