Home Games Sports Guilty;Not


Campus [LYON], a groundbreaking mobile app, tackles the pervasive issue of discrimination in a fun and innovative way. Developed for the epitech impact jam and cleverly titled Guilty;Not.Game, this app challenges users to confront their biases and understand the effects of discrimination. Through immersive scenarios and engaging gameplay, players experience the perspectives of marginalized individuals, fostering empathy and understanding. Prepare for a thought-provoking and entertaining journey towards a more inclusive society. Play the game, challenge your assumptions, and contribute to the fight against discrimination.

Key Features of Guilty;Not:

⭐️ Unique and impactful theme: Guilty;Not.Game uniquely focuses on discrimination, offering a gaming experience unlike any other.

⭐️ Immersive gameplay: Navigate challenging scenarios that illuminate the diverse forms of discrimination.

⭐️ Visually stunning: Enjoy captivating artwork and beautiful graphics that enhance the overall experience.

⭐️ Multiple levels of challenge: Progress through increasingly complex levels, testing your ability to address discrimination in a rewarding and educational way.

⭐️ Compelling narrative: A rich storyline explores the complexities of discrimination, introducing diverse characters and situations that encourage reflection and positive change.

⭐️ Positive social impact: By playing, you actively raise awareness and join a community dedicated to using gaming for social good.

In short, Guilty;Not.Game masterfully blends entertainment and education. Its unique theme, engaging gameplay, stunning visuals, progressive challenges, compelling narrative, and positive social impact create a truly enriching experience. Download now and begin your transformative journey towards a more equitable world.

Tags : Sports

Guilty;Not Screenshots
  • Guilty;Not Screenshot 0