Home News Best Bullseye Decks in Marvel Snap

Best Bullseye Decks in Marvel Snap

by Lucy Mar 22,2025

Best Bullseye Decks in Marvel Snap

Bullseye, the latest addition to Marvel Snap, has undergone several iterations before his arrival in the Dark Avengers season. This 3-power, 3-cost card boasts a unique ability: “Activate: Discard all cards that cost 1 or less from your hand. Afflict that many different enemy cards with -2 Power.” Prepare for a surge in discard-style decks, as Bullseye is a powerful addition to this archetype. Luke Cage players, take note!

Bullseye's effectiveness hinges on his activation before turn 6. This allows you to discard 0- and 1-cost cards (including those discounted by effects like Swarm). Synergies with cards like X-23 and Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) further enhance his potential, though these combinations haven't received widespread attention yet. However, his 3-cost restriction limits his play window, rendering him less effective on the final turn.

Crucially, Bullseye's ability targets "different enemy cards," preventing multiple debuffs on a single card. While not capable of overwhelming a single high-power card, his area-of-effect debuff can significantly impact multiple lanes.

Best Bullseye Decks in Marvel Snap

Bullseye's optimal use currently lies within established discard decks, rather than forming the core of a new archetype. A straightforward approach integrates him into a standard discard list:

Discard Deck featuring Bullseye: Scorn, X-23, Blade, Morbius, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Swarm, Colleen Wing, Bullseye, Dracula, Proxima Midnight, MODOK, Apocalypse. [Click here to copy this list from Untapped.]

This deck utilizes Series 5 cards (Scorn, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Proxima Midnight). While Scorn and Proxima Midnight are essential, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) can be substituted with cards like Gambit. The strategy involves using Bullseye's activation to debuff opponents after playing MODOK on turn 5, leveraging the effects of Scorn, X-23, Blade, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), and discounted Swarms. Regenerated Swarms and subsequent draws support Dracula's ability to secure Apocalypse and victory.

Alternatively, a less consistent deck incorporating Hela Carrier and Victoria Hand exists, but the above “classic” discard variant is recommended for its reliability.

A more experimental approach integrates Bullseye into the Hazmat/Ajax archetype:

Hazmat/Ajax Deck featuring Bullseye: Silver Sable, Nebula, Hydra Bob, Hazmat, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), US Agent, Luke Cage, Bullseye, Rocket Raccoon & Groot, Anti-Venom, Man-Thing, Ajax. [Click here to copy this list from Untapped.]

This high-cost deck features several Series 5 cards (Silver Sable, Hydra Bob, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), US Agent, Rocket Raccoon & Groot, Anti-Venom, Ajax). Hydra Bob can be replaced with another 1-cost card like Rocket Raccoon, but the other Series 5 cards are generally considered essential. Bullseye synergizes with several cards in this deck, acting as a secondary Hazmat effect, further bolstering Ajax's power.

While its performance compared to Red Guardian-inclusive lists remains to be seen, this provides a unique and potent Bullseye-centric strategy.

Is Bullseye Worth the Investment?

For players less inclined towards discard or affliction decks, Bullseye's niche application may not justify the cost. If you already possess Moonstone and plan to acquire Aries (a card that synergizes with Surtur), prioritizing those cards over Bullseye might be a more strategic approach.

Marvel Snap is available now.