Dive into the enchanting world of magical girls with the upcoming mobile game, Magia Exedra! A cryptic teaser trailer introduces a mysterious girl, seemingly amnesiac, standing within a fantastical lighthouse—a sanctuary for the memories of magical girls. This intriguing premise hints at a gameplay experience centered around piecing together the heroine's past. Think magical girl memory puzzles, but with a more relaxed feel.
The teaser trailer, available in both English and Japanese, suggests a narrative where players assist the heroine in recovering fragments of her lost memories.
Global Release Hopes High
The English-language trailer has ignited excitement among fans, particularly regarding the possibility of a simultaneous global release. This would be a significant improvement over the lengthy delays experienced with Magia Record, another Madoka Magica mobile game. The inconsistent release schedule and fast-paced Japanese updates of Magia Record left many international fans frustrated.
The English Twitter account further fuels this hope, hinting at a worldwide launch. This potential change is a welcome sign for international players who have previously felt excluded. Furthermore, a fresh start offers the developers a chance to learn from past challenges, promising a smoother experience.
Magia Exedra promises a captivating addition to the Madoka Magica universe. Expect both familiar faces and new mysteries alongside the amnesiac heroine. What memories will be uncovered? What secrets does the lighthouse hold? Only time will tell!
The game is slated for release in 2024. Stay tuned to the official website for further updates.
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