Home News Monoloot mixes up Monopoly Go and D&D, out now in soft launch for select regions

Monoloot mixes up Monopoly Go and D&D, out now in soft launch for select regions

by Anthony Jan 19,2025
  • Monoloot is a new dice-based board battler from My.Games
  • Think Monopoly Go mixed with D&D
  • It's currently out in soft-launch, but only in the Philippines

If you've bounced off of Monopoly Go, you may find yourself craving a return to the dice-rolling mechanics and board game hopping. But before you jump back in, perhaps you'd better add something else to your to-do list. That's because My.Games - the folks behind releases like Rush Royale and Left to Survive - now have their own take on the dice-rolling genre with Monoloot.

Currently, only in soft launch in Brazil and the Philippines for Android, Monoloot: Dice and Journey sees you enter a world of D&D-like dice and mechanics. Unlike Monopoly Go, which closely follows the format of the original to the best of its ability, Monoloot goes almost completely off the rails in the best way with the inclusion of many new mechanics.

There are RPG-style battles, castle-building and hero-upgrading as you slowly accrue your own mini army of powerful characters. Not only that but the colourful visuals, combination of 3D and 2D graphics as well as the clear homages to many famous TTRPGs definitely make this one to watch in my humble opinion.

A screenshot of art from Monoloot showing various fantasy characters fighting Monopoly Gone

One topic we spoke about (sadly, off the recording) in our most recent podcast session was the fact that Monopoly Go, one of the biggest success stories of the last year or so, had seemingly begun to recede in popularity. Not necessarily becoming unpopular, but the explosive growth its massive marketing blitz had previously helped foment is clearly starting to run its course.

Interesting timing then, for My.Games to start testing the water. But then again, the dice mechanics of Monopoly Go were a major point of praise, so using those to put a new spin on the genre would be a wise move.

Speaking of new releases though, if you're not so sure, or if you don't live in the Philippines, why not refresh your palette with something fresh? Check out some of the releases on our list of the top five new mobile games to try this week for starters!