Hideki Kamiya, the visionary behind iconic titles like Okami, Devil May Cry, and Bayonetta, embarks on a new chapter. After a two-decade tenure at PlatinumGames, he's launched Clovers Inc., a new studio dedicated to fulfilling a long-held ambition: an Okami sequel.
A Dream 18 Years in the Making
Kamiya's passion for Okami is well-documented. He's publicly expressed his desire to complete the game's unfinished narrative, even sharing humorous anecdotes about his unsuccessful attempts to convince Capcom to greenlight a sequel. Now, with Clovers Inc. and Capcom's backing, that dream is finally becoming reality.
Clovers Inc.: A New Beginning
Clovers Inc., a joint venture with former PlatinumGames colleague Kento Koyama, pays homage to the original Okami developer, Clover Studio, and Kamiya's early Capcom days. The studio, currently comprised of 25 employees, prioritizes a shared creative vision over sheer size. Many team members are former PlatinumGames employees who share Kamiya and Koyama's development philosophy.
Departure from PlatinumGames
Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames, where he served as creative leader and vice president, surprised many. He attributes his decision to differing philosophies on game development, hinting at internal conflicts that didn't align with his creative vision. Despite this, he expresses genuine excitement about the Okami sequel and the collaborative spirit of Clovers Inc.
A Softer Side?
Kamiya's candid, often blunt social media presence is legendary. Recently, however, he showed a more empathetic side, publicly apologizing to a fan he had previously insulted. This gesture, coupled with his engagement with positive fan reactions to the Okami sequel announcement, suggests a shift in his online demeanor.