Dive into the captivating sequel to Phantom Rose Scarlet: Phantom Rose 2 Sapphire! This roguelike card adventure, developed by Studio Maka and released on Steam in October 2023, retains the dark, mysterious atmosphere of its predecessor while introducing exciting new features.
A School Under Siege
Players assume the role of Aria, a young girl battling monstrous creatures within her beloved school. This gothic setting creates a chilling and immersive experience. Unlike its prequel, Sapphire offers a strategic card combat system, requiring players to master card cooldowns for effective phantom vanquishing. The game features escalating difficulty levels, an Arcade mode for boss battles and rewards, and a Custom mode for personalized challenges.
New Class System
A standout feature is the introduction of a class system, offering two distinct playstyles: Blade and Mage. The Blade class emphasizes swift, powerful attacks, while the Mage class introduces an Arcana gauge, adding a strategic layer to action selection.
[Video Embed: https://www.youtube.com/embed/ubttcWii_sc?feature=oembed]
Worth a Play?
With over 200 collectible cards, powerful items, stylish costumes, and intriguing encounters with other survivors, Phantom Rose 2 Sapphire offers a compelling card game experience. Its captivating atmosphere and stunning visuals make it a worthwhile addition to any roguelike fan's library. Download it for free on the Google Play Store today!