Arnold Rauers, the creator of acclaimed titles like ENYO, Card Crawl Adventure, and Miracle Merchant, presents Guncho – a captivating new turn-based puzzle game. Guncho shares similarities with ENYO, but transports players to the Wild West, where they'll don a cowboy hat and take on the role of a gunslinger.
Become Guncho
This Wild West adventure challenges you to outsmart cunning bandits. As Guncho, a lone gunslinger, you'll engage in strategic combat using unique positional shooting mechanics.
You'll strategically maneuver Guncho across a grid-based landscape, carefully aiming your shots to defeat enemies. Exploit environmental elements like explosive barrels and treacherous cacti to gain an advantage. Explore randomly generated levels, collect upgrades, hone your skills, and prepare for challenging boss encounters. Guncho cleverly blends roguelike elements with strategic gameplay. Intrigued? Check out this gameplay trailer:
Ready to Saddle Up? --------------------Guncho offers diverse boss battles and levels, providing replayability and a competitive leaderboard for those seeking a challenge. Available for free on Android, the full game can be unlocked for $4.99. Even the free version provides a substantial amount of gameplay.
Note that a demo achievement for defeating the boss is available only before the full game's release, as the demo will be subsequently removed. The full game primarily offers uninterrupted play without the demo's limited achievements.
Interested? Download Guncho from the Google Play Store. For the latest news and updates, visit the official website.
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