Home News How to Obtain the Auto-Petter in Fields of Mistria

How to Obtain the Auto-Petter in Fields of Mistria

by Hannah Mar 29,2025

How to Obtain the Auto-Petter in Fields of Mistria

Having livestock in *Fields of Mistria* can be a lucrative venture, but the daily task of petting them can become tedious. Fortunately, you can bypass this chore by integrating an auto-petter into your farm setup, albeit with the help of mods.

Fields of Mistria Auto-Petter Guide

Unfortunately, the vanilla version of *Fields of Mistria* does not feature an auto-petter. This means you'll have to manually pet your livestock every day unless you opt for mods. To automate this process, I recommend the Animal Friends mod by annanomoly, available on Nexus Mods. Not only does this mod introduce an auto-petter, but it also enables auto-feeding for your animals. To utilize this mod, you'll need to install the Mods of Mistria Installer, as it's essential for activating the mod.

To install the mod, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new folder named "Mods" in your *Fields of Mistria* game directory.
  2. Download the AnimalFriends.zip file and place it in the Mods folder.
  3. Extract the contents of the zip file.
  4. Delete or move the original zip file to another location.
  5. Launch the Mods of Mistria Installer to complete the mod installation.

The Animal Friends mod comes packed with several features you can toggle. In addition to the auto-petter, you can activate an auto-feeder, a friendship multiplier, and a feature to prevent friendship loss. The friendship multiplier boosts the number of hearts your animals can gain, while the prevent friendship loss feature ensures that these hearts remain intact over time.

To customize these settings, locate the AnimalFriends.json file within the unzipped mod folder. This file is a simple text document where you can enable features by changing "false" to "true." For example, to enable the auto-petter, you would adjust the setting to ["auto-feed": true]. Similarly, to disable a feature, revert "true" back to "false."

The friendship multiplier works differently; instead of toggling, you input a number between 1 and 100. Setting it to the highest number can expedite bonding with your animals, while setting it to 1 will disable the feature.

Upon installation, the mod defaults to certain settings. The auto-pet and auto-feed functions are initially inactive, but the mod does increase heart points gained from petting by five times and automatically enables the prevent friendship loss feature.

To remove the mod, it's crucial not to simply delete the mod folder. Instead, use the Mods of Mistria Installer to uninstall the mod properly, preventing any potential corruption or errors in your save file.

This guide covers everything you need to know about integrating an auto-petter into *Fields of Mistria*. Always back up your save file before installing any mods, as a precautionary measure despite their stability.

*Fields of Mistria is available to play on PC.*