The upcoming beat 'em up, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind, is overflowing with nods to the classic franchise, including last year's reunion special, "Once and Always." This retro-style brawler features Robo Rita as its primary antagonist. Announced at Summer Games Fest 2024, the game boasts five-player co-op, hordes of enemies from the first three Power Rangers seasons, and even 3D rail-shooter segments. Launching on PC and consoles later this year, it promises a nostalgic experience.
Power Rangers fans have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions recently. Following "Once and Always" and "Cosmic Fury," the franchise has been relatively quiet. "Once and Always" saw the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers team thwart a robotic Rita Repulsa's attempt to alter the past. This special was packed with Easter eggs and emotional moments, culminating in a tribute to the late Thuy Trang and Jason David Frank.
Robo Rita's return, from the Netflix special "Once and Always," serves as the central conflict in Rita's Rewind. Digital Eclipse content editor, Dan Amrich, explained to Time Express that Robo Rita's inclusion stems from her attempt to erase the Power Rangers from existence in "Once and Always," thus providing a convenient in-universe connection across the franchise's timeline.
A Nostalgic Beatdown: Facing Robo Rita
Amrich also detailed how Digital Eclipse pitched the game to Hasbro, capitalizing on the company's desire to expand its iconic properties. Both Hasbro and the developers drew inspiration from classic 2D brawlers popular during the original MMPR's peak, ensuring plentiful Easter eggs for longtime fans.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind is a loving tribute to the franchise, mirroring older games in its gameplay and connecting to recent lore through Robo Rita's return. While its release is slated for later this year, fans can currently experience a crossover with ARK: Survival Ascended.