NEURA: Neon Fantasy is a captivating and unique simulation game set in a dystopian future, 200 years after the events of Where Girls Are Made. You control a "lewdroid" android designed for pleasure, striving to achieve 100% client satisfaction through a series of interactive scenes. These scenes are triggered by interacting with objects in various locations (e.g., sitting on the couch, sleeping on the bed) or by completing assigned tasks, such as watering plants or finding coins. Navigate using simple touch screen controls (left/right swipes or A/D/arrow keys). Support developer Arisu and help bring this project to its full potential!
Features of NEURA: Neon Fantasy:
- Unique Android Simulation: Control a "lewdroid" and fulfill your owner's desires in a novel gameplay experience.
- Dystopian Future Setting: Immerse yourself in a compelling futuristic world, 200 years after the events of Where Girls Are Made.
- Satisfaction-Driven Gameplay: The clear goal of reaching 100% client satisfaction provides focused and rewarding progression.
- Location-Based Interactions: Trigger exciting scenes by interacting with objects within the game environment.
- Chore-Based Encounters: Complete tasks and engage in conversations to unlock intimate moments with your client.
- Intuitive Controls: Effortlessly navigate using simple touch screen controls (left/right swipes or A/D/arrow keys).
In conclusion, NEURA: Neon Fantasy offers an extraordinary simulation experience with its unique concept, immersive gameplay, and engaging blend of location-based and chore-based interactions. Download now to support Arisu and contribute to the success of this captivating project.
Tags : Casual