Home News Pokémon Sleep Joins Good Sleep Day Celebrations

Pokémon Sleep Joins Good Sleep Day Celebrations

by Sophia Feb 20,2025

Pokémon Sleep Joins Good Sleep Day Celebrations

Pokémon Sleep's Clefairy Event: A Harvest Moon Celebration!

The Suicune event in Pokémon Sleep is nearing its end, but don't worry, another exciting event is just around the corner! Get ready to welcome Clefairy, the adorable Fairy-type Pokémon, to your dreams.

The Good Sleep Day Event:

From September 17th to 19th, Clefairy, Clefable, and Cleffa will be appearing in Pokémon Sleep. This special "Good Sleep Day" event begins at 4:00 a.m. on the 17th.

Harvest Moon Magic:

Your chances of catching these Pokémon significantly increase on the night of September 18th, during the Harvest Moon! This full moon adds an extra layer of enchantment to the event, and you'll even have a chance to encounter a Shiny Clefairy family member. These Pokémon will be appearing in all areas of the game.

Maximize Your Catch Rate:

To enhance your chances of catching Clefairy and its evolutions, consider purchasing the special Good Sleep Day Bundle. Available from September 16th to 21st for 1,500 diamonds, this bundle offers numerous benefits. Strategic sleepers can also utilize two types of incense during a single sleep session to maximize their Pokémon collection.

Remember to update your Pokémon Sleep app from the Google Play Store before September 17th to participate!