Home News Stardew Valley: How To Befriend Willy

Stardew Valley: How To Befriend Willy

by Aiden Mar 21,2025

Willy, the kindly old fisherman with a weathered face and a heart of gold, is one of the first friendly faces you'll meet in Stardew Valley. He gifts you your first fishing rod, teaches you the ropes, and is always stocked with the supplies you need. Befriending him is easy and offers surprisingly helpful rewards. Take a break from farming, head down to the docks, and show Willy some generosity – he especially appreciates rare aquatic treasures!

Updated January 4, 2025, by Demaris Oxman: Willy might be a quirky old soul, but he's remarkably easy to befriend, thanks to a surprisingly long list of favorite gifts—a list that's only grown with the 1.6 update. Several new books, mostly about fishing, are now loved or liked gifts. Let's dive into how to win Willy over.

Gift Guide

Willy's Gifts

Friendship in Stardew Valley blossoms with generosity. Find Willy at his shop most weekdays, or fishing on Saturdays. Evenings find him at the Stardrop Saloon or fishing by the beach or river. Remember, his birthday is Summer 24th – gifts given then have an 8x friendship boost!

Loved Gifts (+80 Friendship)

These top-tier gifts significantly boost your friendship. Some, like certain rare fish, are challenging to obtain, but pumpkins and mead are readily accessible. He also appreciates books expanding his fishing knowledge and valuable crafting materials.

  • Fish: CatfishCatfish, OctopusOctopus, Sea CucumberSea Cucumber, SturgeonSturgeon
  • Books: Jewels of the SeaJewels Of The Sea, The Art O' CrabbingThe Art O' Crabbing
  • MeadMead (Honey in a Keg)
  • Gold BarGold Bar (Gold Ore in the Furnace)
  • Iridium BarIridium Bar (Iridium Ore in the Furnace)
  • DiamondDiamond (Mines)
  • PumpkinPumpkin (Fall Crop)
  • All universally loved gifts

Liked Gifts (+45 Friendship)

If loved gifts are hard to come by, these are excellent alternatives. Willy enjoys most seafood dishes, so cook your catch and share the bounty!

  • Cooked fish dishes (excluding Dish O' the Sea, Sashimi, and Maki Roll – he's neutral towards these).
  • Fish: LingcodLingcod, Tiger TroutTiger Trout
  • QuartzQuartz
  • Bait and BobberBait And Bobber

Disliked & Hated Gifts

Avoid these gifts to prevent friendship decreases. While hated gifts are worse, it's best to steer clear of all the following:

  • Foraged goods
  • Cooked dishes without fish
  • Life Elixir
  • Universally disliked gifts (except fish; he's neutral towards most fish, excluding those listed above).
  • Universally hated gifts


Willy's Quests

Willy occasionally posts requests on the "Help Wanted" board outside Pierre's, asking for specific items or fishing challenges. Completing these earns you gold and a friendship boost (150 points).

He also sends two letters with fishing challenges:

  • Catch A Squid: (Winter 2, Year 1) Rewards gold and 1 friendship heart.
  • Catch A Lingcod: (Winter 13, Year 2) Rewards more gold and another friendship heart.

Friendship Perks

Willy's Recipes

Willy's a surprisingly good cook! He sends four fishing-buff recipes as your friendship grows:

  • ChowderChowder (3 hearts): +1 fishing buff.
  • EscargotEscargot (5 hearts): +2 fishing buff.
  • Fish StewFish Stew (7 hearts): +3 fishing buff.
  • Lobster BisqueLobster Bisque (9 hearts): +3 fishing buff, +30 max energy.