Tekken 8 director Katsuhiro Harada's unwavering dedication to the franchise has sometimes clashed with Bandai Namco's internal structure. Known for his rebellious spirit and refusal to compromise, even when facing fan backlash, Harada's approach hasn't always been fully understood within the company. His commitment to Tekken, even defying unspoken rules, has occasionally strained relationships with colleagues.
Harada's independent streak dates back to his childhood, where his parents' disapproval of gaming led him to secretly play at arcades and friends' houses. His pursuit of a career in the video game industry, against his family's wishes, initially caused them distress, though they've since accepted his path. Even after ascending within Bandai Namco, his rebellious nature persisted. He notably defied company norms by remaining deeply involved in Tekken's development, even when assigned to a different department and role focusing on global business development.
This independent spirit extended to his entire Tekken team, whom Harada playfully refers to as "outlaws" due to their strong-willed nature and unwavering commitment to the series. This dedication, he believes, has been crucial to Tekken's enduring success.
However, Harada's reign as Tekken's rebellious leader may be ending. He's indicated that Tekken 9 will be his final project before retirement. The future of the franchise and whether his successor can maintain his legacy remains to be seen.