Monolith Soft, the studio behind the acclaimed Xenoblade Chronicles series, recently showcased the immense scale of their work with a striking image: towering stacks of scripts. This visual testament highlights the sheer volume of content packed into each game. Let's delve into the details.
The Epic Scale of Xenoblade Chronicles
A Mountain of Storytelling
Monolith Soft's X (formerly Twitter) post revealed massive piles of script books—and these represent only the main storylines! Separate scripts exist for the extensive side quests, further emphasizing the monumental effort involved in creating these games.
The Xenoblade Chronicles series is renowned for its expansive scope. Players routinely invest 70+ hours to complete a single game, and dedicated completionists often surpass 150 hours. This playtime reflects the depth of the narrative, world-building, and gameplay.
Fans reacted with awe and humor to the image, expressing amazement at the sheer number of scripts and jokingly inquiring about purchasing them.
Looking Ahead to the Future of Xenoblade Chronicles
While Monolith Soft hasn't yet announced the next entry in the series, anticipation remains high. However, fans can look forward to the upcoming release of Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, launching March 20th, 2025, on Nintendo Switch. Pre-orders are available now on the Nintendo eShop (digital and physical) for $59.99 USD.
For a more in-depth look at Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, be sure to check out the related article!