首頁 新聞 D&D:alllstalker刺客指南揭示了巴爾德的大門3


by Noah Feb 02,2025

本指南詳細介紹了Baldur的Gate 3中強大的Gloomstalker/Assassin Multeclass Build,重點是最大程度地提高物理傷害和多功能性。 這種致命的組合將流氓的隱身和致命性與遊俠的遠程和支撐能力融為一體。

這些類別之間的協同作用是非凡的,利用靈巧性的核心能力,隱形技能和鎖定/陷阱解除武裝。 遊騎兵貢獻武器的能力和支持法術,而流氓則提供了毀滅性的近戰能力。 他們組合的隱形能力是無與倫比的。

Kristy Ambrose的2024年12月24日更新了

雖然Larian Studios已確認沒有BG3 DLC或續集,但Patch 8(2025)引入了新的子類,開辟了令人興奮的構建可能性。對於這種遊俠/流氓構建,靈巧性仍然至關重要,但是智慧對於遊俠拚寫至關重要。 仔細考慮種族,背景,壯舉和裝備是關鍵。



> 這種構建將刺客的致命精度與震驚者的生存技巧結合在一起,從而創造出在近戰和遠程戰鬥中有效的強大特征。 近距離或遠程交戰之間的選擇取決於您選擇的技能,能力和設備。

>隱形,手和敏捷的能力等共享技巧使這種多類是自然的擬合度。 包括遊俠支持法術和潛在的罐頭(取決於種族選擇)增加了更多的多功能性。




  • 對兩個班級的手,隱身和武器能力的關鍵至關重要。
  • 智慧:
  • 對於感知檢查和遊騎兵拚寫的必不可少的(如果使用拚寫)。 憲法:
  • 增加生命值 - 以戰鬥為中心的階級的中等優先級。
  • 強度:
  • >
  • 除非專注於近戰DPS。
  • 智能:
  • 一個“轉儲stat”,任何一個類別使用有限。
  • 魅力:
  • 較少的關鍵,但是創意玩家可以找到利用它的方法。


Race Subrace Abilities
Drow Lloth-Sworn Superior Darkvision, Drow Weapon Training, Fey Ancestry, spells (Faerie Fire, Darkness)
Seldarine Superior Darkvision, Drow Weapon Training, Fey Ancestry, spells (Faerie Fire, Darkness)
Elf Wood Elf Improved Stealth, increased movement speed, Elven Weapon Training, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry
Half-Elf Drow Half-Elf Weapon/armor proficiency, Civil Militia ability
Wood Half-Elf Elven Weapon Training, Civil Militia
Human N/A Civil Militia Feat, increased movement speed, increased carrying capacity
Githyanki N/A Increased movement speed, spells (Enhanced Leap, Misty Step), Martial Prodigy
Halfling Lightfoot Brave, Halfling Luck, advantage on Stealth checks
Gnome Forest Speak with Animals, improved Stealth
Deep Superior Darkvision, Stone Camouflage (advantage on Stealth checks)




Background Skills Description
Outlander Athletics, Survival Raised in the wilderness, experienced in outdoor survival.
Charlatan Deception, Sleight of Hand Skilled in deception and trickery.
Soldier Athletics, Intimidation Military background, disciplined and potentially intimidating.
Folk Hero Animal Handling, Survival A hero from humble beginnings, skilled in survival and animal interaction.
Urchin Sleight of Hand, Stealth Experienced in stealth and thievery from a young age.
Criminal Deception, Stealth Background in crime, skilled in deception and stealth.


有12個級別(例如,10 Ranger/2 Rogue或類似的拆分),您將有幾個壯舉選擇。

Feat Description
Ability Score Improvement Increase an Ability Score by 2 or two by 1.
Alert Prevents the Surprised condition, +5 bonus to Initiative.
Athlete +1 Dexterity/Strength, faster recovery from Prone, increased Jump distance.
Crossbow Expert Removes Disadvantage for melee attacks with a ranged weapon, extends Gaping Wounds duration.
Dual Wielder Use two weapons (non-heavy), +1 to AC while dual-wielding.
Magic Initiate: Cleric Grants access to a few Cleric spells.
Mobile +10 movement speed, unaffected by Difficult Terrain while Dashing, avoids Attacks of Opportunity in melee.
Resilient +1 to an Ability Score, proficiency in that Ability's Saving Throws.
Spell Sniper Enhanced spellcasting range.


裝備可以增強靈巧,智慧或憲法的項目。 齒輪的選擇取決於您的版本(衣服或中型裝甲)。

  • 2個敏捷性(半鏈/gnomes)。
  • >自主的頭盔:智慧儲蓄擲率的熟練程度。
  • > darkfire短弓:火/冷抗性,急速(每長時間休息)。
  • 雜技鞋:敏捷節省獎金,雜技獎勵。
  • 優雅的布: 2敏捷,貓的寬限能力。
