本指南详细介绍了Baldur的Gate 3中强大的Gloomstalker/Assassin Multeclass Build,重点是最大程度地提高物理伤害和多功能性。 这种致命的组合将流氓的隐身和致命性与游侠的远程和支撑能力融为一体。
这些类别之间的协同作用是非凡的,利用灵巧性的核心能力,隐形技能和锁定/陷阱解除武装。 游骑兵贡献武器的能力和支持法术,而流氓则提供了毁灭性的近战能力。 他们组合的隐形能力是无与伦比的。
虽然Larian Studios已确认没有BG3 DLC或续集,但Patch 8(2025)引入了新的子类,开辟了令人兴奋的构建可能性。对于这种游侠/流氓构建,灵巧性仍然至关重要,但是智慧对于游侠拼写至关重要。 仔细考虑种族,背景,壮举和装备是关键。> >
这种构建将刺客的致命精度与震惊者的生存技巧结合在一起,从而创造出在近战和远程战斗中有效的强大特征。 近距离或远程交战之间的选择取决于您选择的技能,能力和设备。
>隐形,手和敏捷的能力等共享技巧使这种多类是自然的拟合度。 包括游侠支持法术和潜在的罐头(取决于种族选择)增加了更多的多功能性。
- 敏感性:对两个班级的手,隐身和武器能力的关键至关重要。
- 智慧:对于感知检查和游骑兵拼写的必不可少的(如果使用拼写)。
- 宪法:增加生命值 - 以战斗为中心的阶级的中等优先级。
- 强度:> 除非专注于近战DPS。
- 智能:一个“转储stat”,任何一个类别使用有限。
- 魅力:
Race | Subrace | Abilities |
Drow | Lloth-Sworn | Superior Darkvision, Drow Weapon Training, Fey Ancestry, spells (Faerie Fire, Darkness) |
Seldarine | Superior Darkvision, Drow Weapon Training, Fey Ancestry, spells (Faerie Fire, Darkness) | |
Elf | Wood Elf | Improved Stealth, increased movement speed, Elven Weapon Training, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry |
Half-Elf | Drow Half-Elf | Weapon/armor proficiency, Civil Militia ability |
Wood Half-Elf | Elven Weapon Training, Civil Militia | |
Human | N/A | Civil Militia Feat, increased movement speed, increased carrying capacity |
Githyanki | N/A | Increased movement speed, spells (Enhanced Leap, Misty Step), Martial Prodigy |
Halfling | Lightfoot | Brave, Halfling Luck, advantage on Stealth checks |
Gnome | Forest | Speak with Animals, improved Stealth |
Deep | Superior Darkvision, Stone Camouflage (advantage on Stealth checks) |
Background | Skills | Description |
Outlander | Athletics, Survival | Raised in the wilderness, experienced in outdoor survival. |
Charlatan | Deception, Sleight of Hand | Skilled in deception and trickery. |
Soldier | Athletics, Intimidation | Military background, disciplined and potentially intimidating. |
Folk Hero | Animal Handling, Survival | A hero from humble beginnings, skilled in survival and animal interaction. |
Urchin | Sleight of Hand, Stealth | Experienced in stealth and thievery from a young age. |
Criminal | Deception, Stealth | Background in crime, skilled in deception and stealth. |
有12个级别(例如,10 Ranger/2 Rogue或类似的拆分),您将有几个壮举选择。
Feat | Description |
Ability Score Improvement | Increase an Ability Score by 2 or two by 1. |
Alert | Prevents the Surprised condition, +5 bonus to Initiative. |
Athlete | +1 Dexterity/Strength, faster recovery from Prone, increased Jump distance. |
Crossbow Expert | Removes Disadvantage for melee attacks with a ranged weapon, extends Gaping Wounds duration. |
Dual Wielder | Use two weapons (non-heavy), +1 to AC while dual-wielding. |
Magic Initiate: Cleric | Grants access to a few Cleric spells. |
Mobile | +10 movement speed, unaffected by Difficult Terrain while Dashing, avoids Attacks of Opportunity in melee. |
Resilient | +1 to an Ability Score, proficiency in that Ability's Saving Throws. |
Spell Sniper | Enhanced spellcasting range. |
>装备可以增强灵巧,智慧或宪法的项目。 齿轮的选择取决于您的版本(衣服或中型装甲)。
- >自主的头盔:智慧储蓄掷率的熟练程度。
- > darkfire短弓:火/冷抗性,急速(每长时间休息)。
- 杂技鞋:敏捷节省奖金,杂技奖励。
- 优雅的布: 2敏捷,猫的宽限能力。