Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, the minds behind the Like a Dragon/Yakuza franchise, embrace internal conflict as a catalyst for creative excellence. This unique approach to game development, recently highlighted in an interview with Automaton, reveals a team that thrives on healthy debate and constructive disagreement.
Embracing the "Fight" for Superior Game Design
Series director Ryosuke Horii shared insights into the studio's dynamic, revealing that disagreements are not only common but actively encouraged. He emphasized that these "in-fights," particularly between designers and programmers, are valuable tools for refinement. Horii explained that a project manager's role is crucial in mediating these discussions, ensuring they yield positive results. The absence of conflict, he argues, leads to a less compelling final product. The key, he stressed, is ensuring these disagreements lead to concrete improvements, making the "fights" productive rather than detrimental.
Horii further clarified that the studio's collaborative process prioritizes quality over team allegiance. Ideas are assessed solely on merit, regardless of their origin. Simultaneously, the studio maintains a rigorous standard, readily dismissing proposals that fail to meet their high expectations. This process, Horii explained, involves a series of robust debates and "battles" all in service of creating exceptional games. The studio's commitment to this approach underscores their dedication to pushing creative boundaries and delivering high-quality gaming experiences.